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How to Reach a Changing Federal Workforce

by | Nov 30, 2017

There’s no question the federal workforce is changing. The real question is, are you changing with it?

In marketing, the key is to reach your audience where they are instead of waiting for them to come to you. And based on the Federal Media and Marketing Study from Market Connections, reaching the federal workforce means finding new ways to engage agency employees outside of the office. From social media to radio ads, keep the two trends below in mind as you plan for your 2018 marketing efforts.

Connecting With Federal Employees Through Their Commutes
In the study, Market Connections found the average federal employee spends nearly an hour commuting to and from work each day. This time spent on the train or in the car means that you and your company can have a captive audience. Think about how many jingles or slogans you know because you hear them each morning on your way to work.

Consider implementing radio ads into your 2018 campaigns, with your federal audience tuning in to the radio or podcasts on their daily drives. Be sure the next slogan or tagline they come to recognize is yours.

Leverage the Rise of Telework
As the average commute time shows, getting to work for federal employees can be a long, tiring experience. The long commute may help explain the rise of another trend — telework. According to Market Connections, nearly 25 percent of all federal employees are teleworking at least once a week. These teleworking employees face less barriers to online news, and 40 percent report spending more time reading through e-newsletters, a key opportunity for reaching them while they work remotely.

While purchasing e-newsletter ads is an option, review what content is typically included in a newsletter to see if a byline or feature article could be a fit for your organization. A thought leadership article could reach federal workers and position your organization as a trusted resource.

As we get ready for a new year, take the time now to consider how to tailor your outreach approaches to the federal workforce. By understanding the outlets federal employees read and the ways they prefer to get content delivered to them, you can reach the mobile federal workforce of today.

Want more information on how your brand can reach the federal workforce? Contact Merritt Group today, and let’s start a conversation!



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