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Q&A With Merritt Group-er: Get to Know Melissa Chadwick

by | Apr 20, 2016

1. What do you do at Merritt Group?

Chadwick.jpgHi there. I’m a Vice President in our Business Technology Group focused building and servicing our portfolio of clients spanning exciting areas such as big data, machine learning/AI, IoT, mobile, cloud, and more. I work with a team of amazingly talented people and am so lucky to have recently celebrated my 10 year anniversary at the firm.

2. What’s your greatest moment – whether in work, school or PR – so far?

Back in the day when I worked at Nextel, I had the opportunity to work on some of the company’s celebrity-focused phone promotion initiatives. The most fun experience was probably having a lunch meeting with Star Jones, and then sitting in the audience of The View. I’ll always remember that Meredith Vieira took the time to personally thank and shake the hands of everyone who came out for the taping.

3. Who do you love to follow on Twitter and why?

I’ve been tracking @eddieizzard lately. I’ve been a fan for years and my love for his comedy was solidified when I finally saw him perform in person last year (His “Death Star canteen” bit is a top personal favorite). Most recently, I’ve been tracking how he completed 27 marathons in 27 days for charity. A bit crazy if you ask me, but also pretty motivational. Aside from Eddie, @FakeAPStylebook also holds a special place in my heart.

4. What’s your favorite piece of technology?

My car keys. Seriously, without being able to activate that honking noise, I would still be looking for my car in the mall garage.

5. What’s the one gadget you think needs to be invented?

Self-healing electronics of any sort. I’m clumsy and break a lot of things. Expensive things.

6. What’s your favorite thing about living in the Washington, D.C., area?

After growing up in Northern Virginia and enjoying a stint in San Francisco, life took me back home to the East Coast. Living by Baltimore allows me to reflect on differences between all these cities and appreciate what the region has to offer – a thriving art and cultural scene (I try to maximize my BMA membership), great bars and restaurants (looking at you and salivating Woodberry Kitchen) and access to amazing people from all walks of life and parts of the world.

7. What do you love to do when you are not working?

Usually, it’s doting on my fur baby, Charlie, or trying to somehow get out into the great outdoors. I love to garden and I’m going to try my luck with some patio veggies this year. I also recently started volunteering at the Baltimore Humane Society, and I already want to take all the animals home…

8. What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

I’m a bookworm and love a good read when I have the time. And despite the digital age we live in, I still think there’s nothing like the feel of a good old paperback. I finally got around to The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, which I thought was worth the hype. At this moment, I’m reading Sophie’s World. I don’t care if it’s for a younger audience…you can brush up on philosophy at any age, I say! If you have any suggestions for my next read, let me know.

9. What are your podcast recommendations?

I’m not big into cars, but I love listening to Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers on NPR’s CarTalk. A bit sad that Tom Magliozzi passed away, but I like being able to catch the old episodes from the archive.

10. What’s your favorite Merritt Group memory?

There are so many to choose from! One recent memory stands out and that was the team-building activity my practice group held at the International Spy Museum in D.C. The team worked together (under spies’ personas) on a mission that took us through a series of puzzles and mysteries. We learned a lot about each other that day, maybe too much – like that teammate Pazia Colella has enough arm strength to hang from a helicopter for a good long while.

11. What’s one thing you can’t live without?

Thick socks, preferably wool and for hunters. My feet are always cold, so I usually keep a pair of extra socks on me, especially when I’m traveling. Very stylish.

12. What’s the most interesting item on your desk?

I have a picture of the Lone Cypress on my desk. I snapped that image when my dad came to visit me on the West Coast and we drove down to Carmel and around the 17-mile drive. Good times.

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