Case Study:

Capturing 500 leads and major press coverage from a single premium asset


increase in organic website traffic in 90 days


conversion rate for lead gen landing page

qualified leads captured using a single asset


Avizia provides telemedicine services for health systems, health plans, employers and physicians. The company, focused on improving patient outcomes through live video visits with board-certified doctors, needed to raise its brand awareness as a leading telehealth provider and accelerate its sales growth. It turned to Merritt Group to develop a cross-channel media campaign to educate and influence target audiences.


Merritt Group wrote, designed and promoted a premium piece of content as the centerpiece for Avizia’s lead gen campaign. The study, titled “Closing the Telehealth Gap” was crafted to reach, engage, and convert health professionals and consumers by revealing unique insights core to the buyer’s challenges and needs.

The supporting paid strategy — incorporating a data-centric approach to optimizing the campaign’s segmentation, targeting, and ad spend — resulted in a 36 percent conversion rate and more than 500 qualified leads. The supporting earned strategy scored major press coverage across business and healthcare trade press, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Becker’s and more.

Tom Rice

Tom Rice

Executive Vice President, Partner

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