Case Study:

Amplifying Samsung’s B2B display story through earned media



earned media stories


of competitive SoV


boost in customer storytelling


To drive awareness of Samsung’s latest product launches among IT decision makers and how its technology is used within priority industry verticals, they tasked Merritt Group with overseeing the company’s customer and product storytelling.


Merritt Group took an always-on approach to enhance the volume and quality of media coverage. Our three-pronged strategy encompassed:

  • Increasing overall awareness with focused PR, which exceeded YoY metrics by 70%
  • Validating products with customer stories, earning 459 media placements featuring Formula 1, the NY Mets, Clive Davis, and more
  • Leveraging events, creating impact by timing product launches to high-visibility moments such as the F1 Grand Prix, InfoComm, and MLB Opening Day
John Conrad

John Conrad

Executive Vice President, Partner

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